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If you are expecting your first child, you have undoubtedly already spent hours debating over which stroller to buy, after endlessly navigating the internet to find the answer. Well look no further, the answer is here: if you live in a city, if you like traveling, if you are a minimalist, if you like going out to restaurants, if you like practical solutions or if you are often on your own, you must get the Babyzen Yoyo+!

Luckily for us, this stroller was launched just before our daughter was born and after having used it every day for the last 3 years and two kids by now, we are so thankful to the people that invented this revolutionary stroller! Here are twelve reasons why:

1. You can take it with you as hand luggage on an airplane

Yep, you can take it as hand luggage with you inside the plane, which means that you can put your child back into the stroller right after landing (instead of having to carry your child all the way to the “special luggage” belt on the other side of the airport!).

Special tip: some airlines have decided they don’t want strollers on board as hand luggage regardless of their size, so make sure to fold away the Babyzen Yoyo+ stroller just before boarding and put it in the black bag that comes with the stroller so that it’s less obvious what’s inside! (There is no need to buy the special travel bag from Babyzen Yoyo as it’s much less practical than the standard bag that comes with the stroller for free.)

2. It is super easy and quick to fold and unfold

The Babyzen Yoyo+ is one of the easiest strollers to fold and unfold. You can even unfold it with one hand if needed!

3. The stroller has a shoulder strap

Once you’ve folded your Babyzen Yoyo+ stroller, you’ll realize there is a shoulder strap attached to it, which means that you can just hang it over your shoulder and still have both your hands free to carry your child and diaper bag (this is particularly handy when you’re taking a plane on your own for example).

4. You can carry it up or down the stairs on your own

You should not underestimate this particular benefit of the Yoyo+! I’ve found myself in a situation where I had to carry the stroller up or down some stairs with no one in sight to help many many times. But those situations were no issue at all because I could easily carry the Yoyo+ on my own while leaving the baby in it. The stroller only weighs 6kg, so it’s definitely manageable for any adult to carry.

5. It fits in even the smallest elevators

Even though you can carry the Yoyo+ up the stairs on your own, let’s be honest, it’s nicer to just take the elevator when there is one. However, many elevators were not designed to fit a stroller in them, except for the Babyzen Yoyo+, which fits in pretty much any elevator!

6. You can use it from birth until whenever you no longer need a stroller

The Babyzen Yoyo+ has one single base with two possible set-ups: the 0+ mode (from birth til around 6 months – your baby will be lying flat and facing you) and the 6+ mode (from 6 months onwards – your baby will be facing the street). I recommend buying both packs so that you can use this stroller as of day 1.

7. You can put a car seat on it and still have a compact stroller

If you often travel by car, I highly recommend buying a car seat that is compatible with the Babyzen Yoyo+ stroller. You should simply purchase the Babyzen Yoyo+ car seat adapters and then you can easily click your car seat onto the stroller, regardless of whether you have it in 0+ or 6+ mode.

This is super handy in case your baby falls asleep in the car and you want to avoid moving them from the car seat to the stroller and back again (especially in winter when it can get quite cold).

8. You can use it as a changing table on-the-go

Sooner or later you will find yourself in a situation where you have to change your baby’s diaper without having access to a proper changing table. In those cases, you can ride your Babyzen Yoyo+ stroller into the bathroom (or anywhere really) and use it as a changing table (this is easiest when in 0+ mode, but definitely doable in 6+ mode too). I do recommend always having a disposable changing mat with you in your diaper bag anyway, just in case!

9. It is unbelievably compact

The Babyzen Yoyo+ stroller is so compact that it even fits between the front and back seats of a car (saving you lots of space to cram all your other stuff in the trunk).

If you often go out to restaurants, you will also be glad you got this stroller because it’ll fit in between the tables or in any corner where most regular strollers would be sticking out and blocking the way for the waiters.

10. It’s steerable with one hand

With its compact wheels and light weight, this stroller is also very easy to steer with just one hand – an awesome advantage in case you are carrying a coffee in the other hand or need to check your phone for directions.

11. It has a handy basket

The Babyzen Yoyo+ also has a relatively big basket underneath it which can fit more than you’d think. Very handy to carry your grocery shopping, to store your coat or an extra blanket for example.

12. You can attach a little skateboard to it in case you need to transport a second child

If you have a baby and a toddler, I highly recommend buying the Babyzen Yoyo+ board that can be attached to the back of the stroller with a simple click! It comes with a little seat as well, so your toddler can stand or sit while you cruise around with your baby. The board can be used regardless of whether the stroller is in 0+ or 6+ mode.

The Babyzen Yoyo+ board consists of two wheels, a small board and a little seat. It also includes a short strap that allows you to lift the board when it’s not in use. All of these items can be taken apart super easily. If you’re traveling by plane, you can even add these pieces into the black bag and take all of it as hand luggage with you.

The board is lots of fun for a toddler and a great solution for the hey-that’s-my-stroller-and-I-don’t-want-to-share-it-with-my-new-sibling situation that you’ll likely face with your toddler after having your second child (this only works if you reveal the board for the first time after your second child is born!).

Some additional thoughts

The Babyzen Yoyo+ is guaranteed to get you lots of reactions from complete strangers along the lines of “wow, that stroller is incredible!” or “I wish such a stroller existed when my kids were young!”. You’ll also get (positively) surprised looks from taxi drivers and anyone else who sees you folding up the Yoyo+ as they stare in awe at the compact size of it.

You might also get reactions like “that stroller is so small and low, I didn’t expect there to be an actual baby in it!”. Let me reassure you that while from a distance the Yoyo+ stroller might seem very low when it’s in 0+ mode, when you are the one pushing it, you don’t notice it at all (and I speak from experience, being over 1m80 tall!).

One side note in case you are really into off-roading or often need to push your stroller through the snow – in those cases the Yoyo+ might not be your best option. It’s definitely more of a city stroller and while the suspensions are good, it’s not designed to smoothly drive through mud or snow and might occasionally seem a little bumpy when going over old cobblestone streets.

Nonetheless, I can’t even count the number of times my husband and I said to ourselves: “thank God we got the Yoyo!”

Have you tried this stroller? If you have any questions about it, leave me a comment and I’ll gladly answer!